Ya Looked Wonderful Dat Night..

Hardly could I utter any words,
“You look wonderful tonight”;
Would have been too lame,
To have been owned and claimed;
Quite often, I did clear my throats,
But gulped down with each sparkling shots.

The night grew strong and tall;
Tried I to control;
Control and take care of her each submissive fall.
The ardent zeal,
Coupled with her tempting aroma,
Compelled me to get down and kneel;
Kneel on my feet;
Energized was I to tweet,
The song of her charm and glowing beauty.

The hands we held for long,
The moves we created along;
I still feel and smell of her so strong;
Her magical eye,
Got me high and high.
Time and again—I did clear my throats;
But gulped down with each sparkling shots.

The pompous crowd,
The wild glaring sound;
An arena of completely unknown facet,
The juxtaposition of thumping feet,
Lost in quest of amicable beat;
Crawling along, all were for the sweetest treat.

Lost I was in search of words;
Would that best personify her sorts.
If only I could;
I would have and should.
But since the time is gone,
And by now, I’m all alone.
I often do scream;
And fantasize her in my surreal dream,
O sweetest surreal dream.


  1. A great combination of many a thought in different words and styles!

  2. @Suresh Shrestha

    Thank you for turnin' up here in mah blog. Happy that ya liked dis post

  3. I could visualise what's going on. The picture's so vivid through your writing. An excellent write-up! :)

  4. @ Balqis Greetin' again,
    Actually this writin' is a follow up of one of the incident that i went through recently. It was quite an amazin' experience for me. It just came to me that i should capture this moment for ever; as a result i came up with this piece of writing.
    Thanks for your words.


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